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Maiden på Island... Spørgsmål...

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Debat: 207 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 5 indlæg
Medlem siden: 14-02-2004

Hey jeg ville bare li vide om nogen herinde fra regner med at tage derop... Og om billetterne vil blive solgt hurtigt eller der r en god chance for at få dem...
07-02-2005 13:59
Debat: 1 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 2 indlæg
Medlem siden: 06-01-2005

07-02-2005 21:22
Debat: 243 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 30-01-2005

Prøve at gå på hjemmeside Iron Maiden oplysinger om koncerten på Island og så kan du købe rejse til Island på eller
08-02-2005 09:27
Debat: 243 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 30-01-2005

Billetter fra med den 6.marts
08-02-2005 09:28
Verdens dejligste

Debat: 187 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 17-10-2003

Sjovt - jeg er igang med at arbejde på en to måneders udstationering i Island. Netop i maj-juni. Det er dog lang tid siden jeg har hørt noget nyt i sagen, så jeg tør ikke håbe på det. Men det ville da være coolt at se Maiden i Island m/
12-02-2005 09:45
Debat: 243 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 30-01-2005

Iron Maiden Concert in Egilsholl June 7th 2005
Eddie will rip up Iceland when the legendary Iron Maiden will be playing in Egilsholl arena next summer. This will be a full size concert and Iron Maiden will be bringing in the full show - an Eddie Monster and all the other item that make the Iron Maiden concerts such great shows.

Ticketsales will start March 6th. Online sales will be at Further info on other points of sale will be published soon.

A-area (front half of venue): IKR 7,500.- (ca. USD 115.-)
B-area (back half of venue): IKR 6,500.- (ca USD 100.-)

Iron Maiden website:
14-02-2005 16:40

Debat: 216 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 18-11-2002

Jeg regner da bestemt med at komme derop men det er også mange penge !!
14-02-2005 18:16

Debat: 1137 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 01-11-2003

Så er det endelig blevet officielt det som nogle har vist i et stykke tid:
Bruce air trip to Iceland......

Så er det bare om at få biletter....
20-02-2005 17:23

Debat: 216 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 18-11-2002

Bruce air trip - hvad indebærer det ?- Hotel ? og hvor meget vil det koste ?
20-02-2005 17:59

Debat: 1137 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 01-11-2003

Quote: GregersLarsen
Bruce air trip - hvad indebærer det ?- Hotel ? og hvor meget vil det koste ?
20-02-2005 18:08

Debat: 216 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 18-11-2002

takker m/
20-02-2005 18:27
Debat: 243 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 30-01-2005

Skunk, the webmaster, has posted this on the official Maiden boards:
We are in the process of trying to plan another Special Bruce Air trip this summer to the show in Rekyavik, Iceland on Tuesday June 7th. However before we go ahead and start putting the pieces into place we need to get a clear idea of numbers.
Simply post below this sticky with your name and number of tickets you would require.
Please DO NOT post a response unless you have a very strong intention of purchasing a ticket. If you post with no intention of going it may make the trip impossible for others. If you have any other questions there will be a seperate thread for this purpose and we will try and answer as many questions as we can about this trip.
Cost would be approximately £300 per person.
The cost would include -
Return flight from/to Gatwick inclusive of airport taxes,etc.
Ground Transport from/to Airport in Iceland and Venue
Standing Iron Maiden ticket
On both flights and at the airport photo's will be available with Bruce and 2/3 pieces of personal memorabilia will be signed.
The Rough Itinerary for the day - Tuesday 7th/Wednesday 8th -
Check in Gatwick 7.45am
Flight 666 - Boeing 757 - Leaves Gatwick Airport 9.45am
Arrival at Keflavik Airport, Iceland - Approx 11.15am
Transport to Rekyavik (with possible Blue Lagoon excursion if requested/required (extra cost TBA))
Show will start approximately 8.00pm - finish around 11pm.
Transport from Venue to Airport - leaves 12.30am
Departure back to Gatwick - approx 1.45am
Arrival at Gatwick - Approx 5.00am
All tubes / trains and buses are fully operational at this time.
Bruce says, "I had such a blast on the Dublin trip on the last tour, and I was sorry that we didn't have the chance to open the trip up to more people earlier. Iceland is a great place and a terrific party town. Mind you, I'll be on the mineral waters if I'm flying the plane.
Folks... we have a 757, we have a gig in Iceland, the tickets are held, the inflight entertainment is rocking, and you'll be up in eternal light on June 7th...thats a Tuesday. The plot is to go out am on the 7th, get there 11ish local, and have all day to hang/blue lagoon it/imbibe whatever, followed by Iron maiden indoors at around 8 ish. Tix will be very close up and personal and post gig bash in downtown excellent Irish Pub. Leave for airport at 12.30 am in broad daylight and back in Gatwick for around 4.30 ish when trains and tubes are running to get you home. Thats the plot.
All we need are names to get numbers and then we can price it exactly. The price is estimated at between £250-£300 including Ticket, flight, all taxes and transport Kef to Reykavik. Once we get an idea of the interest then I can proceed with further negotiations!
Muggins here will be on the pointy end and I wouldn't be surprised if we have at least 3 captains on the flight deck as well!!
I'm hoping to sort out a chunk to put into the Prune fund if all goes well.
If one is interested, he can add his name in this thread.
For any questions regarding this potential journey, please post in here
21-02-2005 08:14

Debat: 1296 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 09-09-2003

Quote: Tina
Så er det endelig blevet officielt det som nogle har vist i et stykke tid: Bruce air trip to Iceland...... Så er det bare om at få biletter.... :metal:

hej tina jeg kan se du har skrevet dig på til 2 billetter er der en mulighed for at vi kunne følges det kan jo også være der er flere herinde fra der vil med jeg er sgu godt nok blevet hooked på den tur m/
22-02-2005 15:10

Debat: 1296 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 09-09-2003

Quote: iver
hej tina jeg kan se du har skrevet dig på til 2 billetter er der en mulighed for at vi kunne følges det kan jo også være der er flere herinde fra der vil med jeg er sgu godt nok blevet hooked på den tur m/

øhh nu skal jeg jo selvfølgelig først ha nogle billetter men ligger lige i forhandlinger med en kammerat og vil ikke skrive mig på BB før jeg er helt sikker
22-02-2005 21:21
Verdens dejligste

Debat: 187 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 17-10-2003

Det ser ud til at jeg skal udstationeres i Island i perioden maj/juni, så jeg vil selvfølgelig forsøge at komme til at se Maiden.
Det kunne være cool at mødes med nogen herfra til koncerten!
09-03-2005 18:04

Debat: 325 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 26-02-2004

Shit, det ville være rigtig fedt !!!!!! Må hellere arbejde lidt på det !!!!
14-03-2005 13:17

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