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Harris i Bass Player Magazine

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Debat: 187 indlæg
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Medlem siden: 17-10-2003

IRON MAIDEN founding member Steve Harris is featured in the "Legends
of Rock Bass" issue of Bass Player magazine. The focus of the
interview is mainly on Steve's technique and influences. A couple of
excerpts follow:

Bass Player: Is there any particular reason why you've never done
bass solos onstage?

Steve Harris: "Because they're bloody boring, that's why. In all they
years I've been seing bands, there have been only three bassists who
played interesting solos: Billy Sheehan, Rinus Gerritsen of GOLDEN
EARRING, and Hellmut Hattler of the German cult band KRAAN. Billy
Sheehan's playing is outrageously different."

Bass Player: There are quite a lot of changes and different sections
in some of MAIDEN's songs.

Steve Harris: "Oh yeah — that's the influence coming in from YES,
GENESIS, PINK FLOYD, JETHRO TULL, that sort of stuff. We wanted to
incorporate those time changes, plus the heaviness of BLACK SABBATH
and DEEP PURPLE with a bit of ZEPPELIN thrown in, and the harmony
guitars of WISHBONE ASH as well. But when you're playing, you get to
the point where you don't even have to think about it. When you start
thinking about what you're doing, that's when you make mistakes. If
you start thinking, 'Oh blimey – what's that bit coming up next?'
Then it's already gone and you've buggered it. It's all very well
saying you'd like things perfect, but everyone makes mistakes."
26-09-2004 22:22

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