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Kom med på Blaze´s nye DVD !

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Debat: 5304 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 0 indlæg
Medlem siden: 05-06-2002

Her er en lille mail fra Blaze:

Live DVD Recording
It’s me, Blaze. Well im Rich but the message reads

I am recording a new live DVD on the 23rd of September at De Rots in Antwerp. Come and be a part of the next Blaze Bayley DVD experience.

I have chosen to record the show at The Rots as it is one of the smallest gigs on my European Tour, the people are crazy and every time I have played there it has been a real event. My last two DVD’s have been great but they were big shows. This time I want to capture the intimate vibe, up close and personal with my fans. So it is made by my fans, for my fans and with my fans in mind. I will be performing one brand new song at the gig! After, we will be staying at the Rots to sample the collection of Belgian’s finest beers. Feel free to join us at the after party.

Everyone who sends in a picture of themselves with Blaze from the show, will be mentioned in the credits and your picture might end up in the booklet of the DVD.

The whole show will be recorded with professional equipment. If you want to bring your own camcorders or phones to help us make this a really special DVD, send us your recordings as we will try to include it somewhere on the double DVD that will be released in March 2012!

The DVD will have extra’s like interviews, backstage footage, acoustic songs and many other things.
For those who want to make a weekend of it, look out for hotel details on the website forum.
Hope to see you all there! I am really looking forward to this!
20-08-2011 20:01

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