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Nicko indspiller med Tommy Iommi, Ian Paice og Jon Lord

Skrevet af Indlæg

Debat: 386 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 1 indlæg
Medlem siden: 25-04-2006

In 1989 Tony Iommi and Ian Gillan were just a few names in a long list of talent involved in the recording of the Deep Purple track “Smoke on The Water.” This song was re-recorded to raise money for those affected by the Leninakan earthquake that struck Armenia in 1988. In October of last year both Tony and Ian travelled to Armenia to see how the funds raised had helped the local community. On their trip they visited a music school only to find it being run out of temporary accommodation, it was only location not to have been rebuilt 20 years after the earthquake had struck.

Next week Tony and Ian will be heading back into the studio, joined by Jon Lord (ex Deep Purple / Whitesnake) and NICKO MCBRAIN (drummer of Iron Maiden) to record a new track to raise money to rebuild the Armenian music school. More information about the charity single “Out of my Mind” and behind the scenes photos will follow soon!

Sikke et fantastisk line-up, det kan man kun glæde sig til at høre
28-09-2010 12:09

Debat: 386 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 1 indlæg
Medlem siden: 25-04-2006

D'oh - der skulle selvfølgelig havde stået Ian Gillan i overskriften.
28-09-2010 12:09
Onkel Løg
Debat: 1084 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 2 indlæg
Medlem siden: 26-08-2001

Det kunne ellers have været stærkt med to trommesæt og ingen vokal! - Omend jeg desværre er bange for, at Nicko ville komme til kort overfor Paice, så det er måske meget godt alligevel.. Jeg glæder mig ihvertfald til at høre det, hvorom alting er.

Hvorfor står der iøvrigt ikke noget om, hvem der skal spille på elektrisk bas-guitar?
28-09-2010 20:10

Debat: 386 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 1 indlæg
Medlem siden: 25-04-2006

Sidste nyt fra

I had a great time in the studio yesterday with Ian Gillan, Nicko McBrain and Jon Lord. We had a brilliant time together laying down the track "Out of My Mind" and a lot of fun doing it, plenty of jokes and humor! As expected everyone played so well. What an exciting time!!

...- Tony Iommi

07-10-2010 18:03
Debat: indlæg
Fortolkeren: indlæg
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Lige et par billeder fra Facebook
11-10-2010 16:14
11-10-2010 16:14

Debat: 386 indlæg
Fortolkeren: 1 indlæg
Medlem siden: 25-04-2006

Jason Newsted har spillet bas på nummeret, og Mikko Lindstrom fra HIM, har tilføjet lidt guitar. Nu skal det bare mikses
15-10-2010 12:52

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